The OEB Annual Debate: This House believes that Educational Institutions Should be Banned from Collecting and Storing any Data on Students

The OEB Annual Debate: This House believes that Educational Institutions Should be Banned from Collecting and Storing any Data on Students

Thursday, November 28, 2024 5:45 PM to 7:00 PM · 1 hr. 15 min. (Europe/Berlin)


As educational institutions and EdTech companies increasingly rely on collecting data on students - from academic performance to personal information - are we truly enhancing educational outcomes, or are we sacrificing student privacy in the process? With the rapid growth of online learning, vast amounts of sensitive data are being stored, often without clear guidelines or oversight. Are the potential risks of privacy breaches, misuse of personal information, and the erosion of student autonomy too high a price to pay for the promise of personalised learning? 

 Should educational institutions be completely prohibited from collecting any data on students to ensure their privacy and security? Or is there a way to balance the benefits of data-driven education with the protection of individual rights? Can robust regulations and enhanced security measures make data collection safe, or is the only solution an outright ban? In our quest to improve education, are we overlooking the long-term consequences for student autonomy and privacy? Join the debate to explore these pressing questions and consider what’s truly at stake for the future of education.